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the source of ASSP
Welcome to my homepage

My name is Thomas Eckardt. I'm located in the south-east of Germany near Leipzig and Dresden.
I was born in 1964.

During leisure time, I like to drive my motorbike and if I have some more free time, I develope the anti spam solution ASSP (since 2007).
( what a joke - an IT guy with free time         )

I'm a freelancer, working as IT project manager, IT consultant and technican. I got my first professional IT skills in 1983.

You want to know what ASSP is and how it works?

ASSP stands for:

Anti-Spam-SMTP-Proxy (the common name)
Auxiliary Support & Service Proxy for SMTP

The first term and the software was founded by John Hanna in 2003. This single-threaded SOHO version (ASSP V1) was actively developed until the end of 2014.
The second term and software was founded by Fritz Borgstedt (+2014) and me in 2007. This multi-threaded server version of ASSP is still maintained and developed by me (ASSP V2).

The Anti-Spam-SMTP-Proxy (ASSP) Server project aims to create an open source platform-independent SMTP Proxy server which implements auto-whitelists, self learning Bayesian and Hidden-Markov-Model, Greylisting, DNSBL, DNSWL, URIBL, SPF, SRS, Backscatter, Virus scanning, DKIM, attachment blocking, Senderbase and multiple other filter methods.
ASSP is written in Perl and is able to run on nearly any platform, where a Perl 5.12 or higher is available.
Please use the important links at the left side to get all available information about the ASSP project.

If you are looking for licenses, like the "ASSP corporate SMIME signing license", please contact me via email.
Copyright © 2015-2019 by
"Thomas Eckardt" All Rights reserved

Thomas Eckardt
Hauptstraße 278
09355 Gersdorf

Telefon: +49 37203 / 7007
Fax: +49 37203 / 7008


Steuernummer: 227/215/05468

Important Links:

ASSP Project Page (downloads/wiki/reviews/...)

ASSP Forum

ASSP homepage

ASSP SVN Repository (development versions)
IT consulting
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updated at 05.08.2019
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the souce of ASSP